
Monday, 18 August 2014

The news in brief 18th August 2014

The news in brief:

Shock: liking a status on Facebook doesn’t cure cancer…

…but once a year some ladies on the Internet decide that the way to battle cancer is to put up an embarrassing Facebook status to confound and confuse the boys. Shhhhh, don’t tell!

And every year one of my network of super secret girl friends gets the email and copies me in and I ruin it for everyone.

This year it seems to be gender neutral, which I suppose is a step in the right direction, but it still doesn’t do jack shit.

‘Cos you see, you can’t cure cancer by typing anything on Facebook if it’s not followed up by action, and you can’t raise awareness by deliberately confusing or confounding other members of the donating, fund raising, caring, sharing, helping, population.

Go run a race, or shake a bucket, or donate some clothes to a charity shop, or sit in a bath of goddamned baked beans, but for the love of whatever gods you believe in, don’t be an armchair slacktivist.

This years rules in full:

QUOTE "You shouldn't have liked or commented! Now you have to pick one from these below and post it to your status. This is THE 2014 BREAST & PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS game. Don't be a spoil sport, pick your poison from one of these and change your status, 1) Damn my balls are sweaty 2) Just used my boobs to get out of a speeding ticket 3) Anyone have a tampon, I'm out? 4) How do you get rid of foot fungus? 5) Why is nobody around when I'm horny? 6) No toilet paper, goodbye socks. 7) Someone has offered me a job as a condom tester, but I'm hesitant. 8 )I think I'm in love with someone, what should I do? 9) I've decided to stop wearing underwear. 10) It's confirmed, I'm going to be a Mummy / Daddy! 11) just won £900 on a scratch card 12) I love my big bouncy boobies. 13) i swing my balls back and forth. 14) that wasn't a fart, new pants please. Post with no explanations So sorry I fell for it too!!!!! Looking forward to your post Shhhhh!!"

In other news:

Sweden shows the world how to police

America shows the world how not to police

Religion’s bodycount continues to mount

Israeli couple show that love really is stronger than hate. Nice one.

Man’s inhumanity to man continues apace

Minor customer service error represented as news

Strange lights in sky probably not aliens

Invasion of the giant spider

Nudes in brief: Ola Jordan

Health and fucking safety strikes again

Actors have sense of humour

Diana Watch 2014: after bright sun and torrential rain, memorial garden understandably overgrown. Still dead.

And finally… giant swastikas make houses harder to sell

Reading the news so you don’t have it…

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