The news in brief:
Tonight's The news in brief is a guest post lifted, with kind permission, straight from a friend’s Facebook. She feels strongly about stuff and you should pay attention (especially if you get to decide what counts as a luxury:)
“I swear, if I see one more smug twat waxing lyrical about how everyone who gets periods should be using a moon cup, on any/every post regarding the tampon tax, I will cut a bitch. You are entirely missing the point!
*warning - rant ahead concerning periods. No pissbabies allowed.*
The whole point of people being angry about the fact that menstrual hygiene items are taxed as "luxury" items is because there is no alternative for many people and we're essentially being taxed for sex-specific uncontrollable bodily functions. It's fuck all to do with what's better for your body, the environment or what you deem as convenience.
Are all you people going to be going round supplying moon cups to homeless women and then providing clean and safe places for them to change/empty/clean them? Because if not, changing a used tampon for a clean one safely locked in a public toilet cubicle and disposing of it in the sanitary bin ,looks a bit easier.
Are you going to pop round to every disabled person who can't bend/reach to insert a moon cup and giving them a helping hand? Because, to me, being able to put a pad in your knickers and look after yourself independently during your period looks a lot more enticing than a stranger jamming a silicone pot up your hoo-ha four times a day for a week. Cheaper too.
Will you be providing safe places for ftm trans people who live with people who don't know or may be hostile towards them, so they need to have easily disposable sanitary products?
And finally, will you be providing free private health care and entirely unnecessary and invasive surgery for people like me who just *can't * use internal sanitary products because we're a bit of a funny shape down there. Nothing's wrong with us, everything works fine, we're just a bit shorter in the cervix than everyone else (long legs, short fanny, nature always compensates) but it means tampons never sit right. I doubt your hippy fad will be much better.
Fucks sake.
*end of rant*”
We also really like the use of ‘pissbabies!’
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