Monday, 30 November 2015
The news in brief 30th November 2015
Sunday, 29 November 2015
The news in brief 29th November 2015
Saturday, 28 November 2015
The news in brief 28th November 2015
Thursday, 26 November 2015
The news in brief 26th November 2015
Today’s news in brief:
Turkey is trending. Sadly algorithm makes no distinction between nation and poultry.
Nation celebrates day that Americans helped out some hungry immigrants (just sayin’)
World War III seems unlikely. Newspaper's disappointment almost palpable
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Amusing diversion probably not helping
Economy slightly less shit (but still pretty shit)
Remember kids - if a politician sticks to their guns they're inflexible. If they change their mind they're flip-flopping
Pro tip: London not actually a sovereign state
People stopped wanking to play new video game
Study states the obvious: threat of grizzly death makes tourists destinations less popular
Proposal misses the bloody point
Mad suggestion that public services actually cost money
Religion's bodycount continues to mount
Glitterbeards probably a bit too much
Product placement still isn't news
Early reports suggest spider not being charged with domestic abuse
Turkey (poultry) pardoned by world leader
Turkey (nation) not pardoned by world leader
Stars in their bras: Coco Austin
And finally: tech company plans to raise the dead...
Reading the news so you don’t have to…
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
The news in brief extra
The news in brief extra:
Anonymous have a new weapon in their war against ISIS and they're never going to give us up.
Or let us down.
Or run around and desert us.
They're never gonna make us cry.
Never gonna tell a lie
Or hurt us.
Reading the news so you don’t have to…
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
The news in brief 24th November 2015
The news in brief:
Watch out Beadle’s about…
Black Friday sales start this Thursday
Study states the obvious: heartbeat linked to staying alive
Satirical news blog wilfully ignores world going to hell
Religion's bodycount continues to mount
Family feud takes ghoulish turn
Sensible decision made for bullshit reason
Cows will kill us all
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Newspapers pick up today what The news in brief ridiculed yesterday
Accidental cannabis farm
Politician quite possibly delusional
Man borrows tactics straight out of Hitler’s playbook
Judge tells controlling husband to do one
Mad suggestion that women are people and not possessions…
Whole nation still in lockdown
Found: one lost belt. If it's owner could please come collect it from the police station…
Very British criminal plans very British crime
Vagina-bread sounds pretty unappealing
Nudes in brief: Ferne McCann
And finally: two legged puppy given new lease of life.
Reading the news so you don’t have to…
Monday, 23 November 2015
The news in brief 23rd November 2015
The news in brief:
Newspaper completely misrepresents survey
Bullshit hatemongering masquerading as news
Newspaper still oddly keen for war with Russia
Drunk driver fails to spot Scotland
Economy looks set to take a nosedive
Man’s inhumanity to man continues apace
Medieval morality doesn’t give a shit about a man’s rights
Weather gets pretty fucking terrifying
Eight-year-old is totally smarter than you
Politician gets a little too Hitler-y for comfort
False equivalency is NOT news
Putin totally has the best War Room
Product placement totally isn’t news
Tumble dryers will kill us all
Vandals need a fucking good slap
Gigantic bitch gets off easy
Martian rock probably not a mouse
Nazi megaweapon pretty fucking awesome (and totally evil, but come on!)
Study states the obvious: too much porn is bad for you
Heterosexuals continue to undermine the sanctity of marriage
People probably not offended by prayer
Nudes in brief: Jennifer Lopez (‘s backup dancer)
And finally: nation fights evil with pictures of kittens
Reading the news so you don’t have to…
Thursday, 19 November 2015
The news in brief 19th November 2015
The news in brief:
World still pretty fucking abysmal
Trains still pretty shit
Economy still fucked
PM to get his own aeroplane
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Misleading photograph strikes again
Pigeons will save us all
Chickens will kill us all
It's not just any killer virus…
Musician full of shit (or possibly high)
Sad story surprises no-one
Internet full of retrograde bullshit
Celebrity twat probably unaware of the irony
Magazine has opportunity to make a positive change. Doesn't take it.
Antibiotic apocalypse!
Dude buys a hungry man lunch
Pro tip: Alderaan not part of ISIS
Baby is pretty fucking smart
Nudes in brief: Jorgie Porter
And finally: little boy shows the world true kindness
Reading the news so you don't have to...
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
The news in brief 17th November 2015
The news in brief:
World continues its mad dash into hell
Great British public no too good at spotting irony
Internet not too forgiving of people who can't spot irony
Health and safety gone mad
People get outraged before they read the article
Common sense decision misrepresented as moustache twirling supervillainy
Cartoonist gets a little Third Reich-y
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Pro tip: you can be right without being a twat about it
Face transplant is pretty fucking awesome
Parisians have exactly zero fucks to give
Mad suggestion that rights apply to everyone equally
Complete tosspot caught on camera
Man doesn't really quite understand democracy
Breaking news: women are people. (and if you can't get on board with that: fuck you)
Medieval mindset ruins hundreds more lives
Study states the obvious: people don't like being told how to handle grief
Prohibition drove something underground?! Who'd have thunk it?
Stars in their bras: Emily Ratajkowski
And finally: two gentlemen have a very British reaction to oncoming floodwater
Reading the news so you don't have to...
Monday, 16 November 2015
The news in brief 16th November 2015
Sunday, 15 November 2015
The news in brief 15th November 2015
Those responsible for yesterday's atrocities in Paris have something in common with the Unabomber, with Timothy McVeigh, with Anders Breivik. That thing is not their religion, nor is it their supposed cause. Man's inhumanity to man continues apace, to steal a line from The news in brief, and there's not a border closure in the world that can prevent that, any more than it would have stopped the terrorist born 15 miles outside of Paris from committing the crimes of last night. I don't have answers - does anyone? - but whatever Europe and the world's response is, it cannot be knee-jerk.
Be nice to each other, you lot. When all is said and done, we're all human.”
Normal service resumes tomorrow
Friday, 13 November 2015
The news in brief 13th November 2015
The news in brief:
Tonight's The news in brief is a guest post lifted, with kind permission, straight from a friend’s Facebook. She feels strongly about stuff and you should pay attention (especially if you get to decide what counts as a luxury:)
“I swear, if I see one more smug twat waxing lyrical about how everyone who gets periods should be using a moon cup, on any/every post regarding the tampon tax, I will cut a bitch. You are entirely missing the point!
*warning - rant ahead concerning periods. No pissbabies allowed.*
The whole point of people being angry about the fact that menstrual hygiene items are taxed as "luxury" items is because there is no alternative for many people and we're essentially being taxed for sex-specific uncontrollable bodily functions. It's fuck all to do with what's better for your body, the environment or what you deem as convenience.
Are all you people going to be going round supplying moon cups to homeless women and then providing clean and safe places for them to change/empty/clean them? Because if not, changing a used tampon for a clean one safely locked in a public toilet cubicle and disposing of it in the sanitary bin ,looks a bit easier.
Are you going to pop round to every disabled person who can't bend/reach to insert a moon cup and giving them a helping hand? Because, to me, being able to put a pad in your knickers and look after yourself independently during your period looks a lot more enticing than a stranger jamming a silicone pot up your hoo-ha four times a day for a week. Cheaper too.
Will you be providing safe places for ftm trans people who live with people who don't know or may be hostile towards them, so they need to have easily disposable sanitary products?
And finally, will you be providing free private health care and entirely unnecessary and invasive surgery for people like me who just *can't * use internal sanitary products because we're a bit of a funny shape down there. Nothing's wrong with us, everything works fine, we're just a bit shorter in the cervix than everyone else (long legs, short fanny, nature always compensates) but it means tampons never sit right. I doubt your hippy fad will be much better.
Fucks sake.
*end of rant*”
We also really like the use of ‘pissbabies!’
Thursday, 12 November 2015
The news in brief 12th November 2015
Currently caught in traffic blogging from my phone. Swaying side to side on a double decker bus as #stormabigaile does her best to tip us over
The news in brief:
Sudden outbreak of wintery weather
UK’s infrastructure grinds to a halt at first sign of a stiff breeze
Meteorologist states the obvious
Religion's bodycount continues to mount
Newspaper still super-keen to start a war with Russia
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Police criticised for doing their job
Pro tip: pissing everyone off is a very bad idea
Product placement masquerading as news
Economy still pretty shit
Hypocritical bullshit
Scaremongering bullshit
Woman sets back equality by like, seven billion years
Internet loses its shit over video game
Humanity somehow finds a way to sink even lower
Landlord has had enough of your shit
Chimpanzees are probably better people than you
Irresponsible article encourages STIs
Man unsurprisingly single
Nudes in brief: media remembers a year since you-know-who broke the Internet
And finally: sinkhole eats Gosforth
Reading the news so you don't have to...
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
The news in brief 10th November 2015
Monday, 9 November 2015
Sunday, 8 November 2015
The news in brief 8th November 2015
Friday, 6 November 2015
The news in brief 6th November 2015
The news in brief:
Boy does wrong thing for right reasons
Breaking news: authorities behave entirely appropriately
Kid lucky to not be American
Man drives like an entitled bellend
KKKostume must have seemed like a good idea at the time
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Allegedly remains the hardest word to say
Thieving cunts take advantage of the elderly
Looks like we're going to have some weather
Teachers confuse school for detention centre
Housing market officially mental
Scaremongering horseshit
Ill woman trolled for being too thin
Healthy woman trolled for being too fat
Religion's bodycount continues to mount
Newspapers focus on a skewed sample
General public oddly content with snooper’s charter (or do the papers just pick the letters they want us to read?)
Pro tip: man on the moon probably not Hitler
Product placement still isn't news
Sideboob in brief: Jennifer Lawrence
And finally: joyless cretins want to ruin everything
Reading the news so you don't have to...
Thursday, 5 November 2015
The news in brief 5th November 2015
The news in brief:
Breaking news: author plans to write book
Global economy looking up. You're probably still poor though…
Here's a thought: how about we stop blaming the victims?
Mad suggestion that rules apply to everyone
Pro tip: cyclists can be dicks too
Religion's bodycount continues to mount
Volcanos are sometimes hot
Nation prepares to celebrate grizzly execution
Child suspended for imaginary bow and arrow
Advert somehow ruins the magic of Christmas
Skynet wants to reply to your emails
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Hot tip: spontaneous combustion probably not a thing
First dates getting cheekier
Magazine reveals mankind's trillionth ‘6th' sense
New theory ignores shitpile of evidence
Newspaper continues to trade on fear and mistrust
Apparently beggars can be choosers
Newspaper vilifies benefits claimant
Can't help but feel council at least partly to blame...
Woman probably didn't realise people watch tv
Newspaper probably didn't realise the slippery slope argument was a logical fallacy
Stars in their bras: Blake Lively
And finally: Photographer learns not to fuck with a pachyderm
Reading the news so you don't have to….
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
The news in brief 4th November 2015
Are we the only ones who smell the tangy whiff of hypocrisy? Either way here's the Summary Squirrel’s thoughts on the subject:
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
The news in brief 3rd November 2015
- Wake up early
- Drink water not coffee
- Exercise
- Work on a top-priority business project
- Work on a personal-passion project
- Invest in family time (apparently this can include ‘cooking a big family breakfast,’ so really successful people can have breakfast before breakfast. But when we do it’s just fat*)
- Connect with spouses
- Make your bed
- Network over coffee
- Meditate to clear your mind
- Write down things you're grateful for
- Plan and strategise for the day ahead
- Check your email
- Read the news
- Hit the snooze button at least twice.
- Drink coffee.
- Look in the mirror and question if we were that jowly yesterday
- Prey for an asteroid so we don’t have to go to work
- Do enough of last night’s dishes so that an unexpected visitor wouldn’t think we were animals
- Wrestle a protesting child into a clean nappy
- Argue with spouse about which cupboard things live in
- Decide that no-one’s going to see your bed but you and life’s too short to climb those stairs again
- Contemplate how you can both ‘drink water and not coffee’, and ‘network over coffee’ before breakfast. Is this Schrödinger’s coffee?
- Try to convince child that they don’t need to watch the same episode of Bing Bunny again and again and again…
- Realise all the things you’re grateful for are in your house and it’d sure be nice to spend some time there
- Try to work out how long it’s been since you last took a sick day.
- Check your Facebook. Get irrationally angry at everyone who isn’t at work today.
- Question if it’s time to go back to bed yet.