Monday, 30 June 2014
The news in brief 30th June 2014
Sunday, 29 June 2014
The news in brief 29th June 2014
Saturday, 28 June 2014
The news in brief 28th June 2014
Thursday, 26 June 2014
The news in brief 26th June 2014
The news in brief:
Fruit juice will kill us all
Soft drinks will kill us all
Television will kill us all
But remember - sitting on a sofa for four hours reading is a-okay
Christmas is coming - here's the toys your kids 'need'
Religion’s bodycount continues to mount
Nanny state strikes again
Study suggests water is good for you
MP wants to read your emails
Organisation performs its basic function
The energy market will kill us all
Minor inconvenience reported as news
Iraq situation pretty fucking bad
South Sudan situation pretty hairy
Nigerian situation still pretty hairy
Ukraine situation still pretty fucking hairy
Basically the whole fucking planet is going to hell in a handbasket
Unsubstantiatable claims reported as fact
Compensation culture ruins another life
Shock: woman quite fond of her sister
Have you tried not raping people?!
The bees have totally got this covered
Nudes in brief: Abbey Clancy
Diana Watch 2014: shoe horned into another news story. Still dead.
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
The news in brief 25th June 2014
The news in brief:
Dictator doesn't quite get free speech
Gollum-like monster probably not Gollum
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Fraudulent letters pretty fucking funny
Whimsical children's toys deemed antisocial
Religion’s bodycount continues to mount
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Nigeria situation pretty fucking bad
Taking the law into your own hands 'generally frowned upon'
Subtitles get a bit rapey
Direct Debit guarantee not that hard to understand
Furby goes off the rails
Nudes in brief: Lea Michele
Diana Watch 2014: 'still' dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to....
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
The news in brief 24th June 2014
The news in brief:
Beaurocracy: 1, Common sense: 0
Medieval justice system has wicked sense of humour
Religion’s bodycount continues to mount
Someone's been very naughty
PM very, very sorry
Shock: not everyone likes football
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Man photobombs the queen
Kids are hilarious
Controversial sportsman is controversial
'Ceasefire' apparently a difficult concept
Ukraine situation still pretty hairy
Nigerian situation still pretty hairy
Hover cars set to be a thing
Study states the obvious: smoking is bad for you
Research suggests cannabis probably not good for you
Hollywood decides to make 'beauty' even more unattainable
Turns out McDonald's is *not* an emergency
England not so good at the ol' fußball
Queen misses perfect photo op
Gigantic thundercunt forgets how to person
Nudes in brief: Ryan Seacrest
Diana Watch 2014: still 'dead'
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Monday, 23 June 2014
The news in brief 23rd June 2014
The news in brief:
Cave is pretty fucking special
Medieval morality buckles under international pressure
History set to repeat itself
Religion’s bodycount to mount
Ukraine situation a touch less hairy
Badgers are a thing again
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
More industry in the North will bring - wait for it - more industry in the North
Britain not so good at cricket-ing
Britain quite good at tennis-ing
Creepy sci-fi glasses go on sale
Economy still a bit shit
British army 'rubbish'
Bureaucracy: 1 Common sense: 0
Literally everything will give you cancer
Man really fucking shit at his job
People will complain about anything
Man states the obvious
Scotland gets a bit Children-of-Men
Nudes in brief: Vanessa Hudgens
We should totally mine the moon!
Diana Watch 2014: still pretty fucking dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Sunday, 22 June 2014
The news in brief 22nd June 2014
The news in brief celebrity special:
Failure blamed on lack of spread
Man kicks ball
Man also kicks ball
England not so good at ball kicking
Man kicks ball with head
Women wear bikinis
Outrage: man still likes his partner
Straight people continue to undermine the sanctity of marriage
Woman dresses for the weather
Woman has legs
Man's private life is somehow our business
People who know each other drink drinks
Woman wears dress
Newspaper disapproves of man's fashion choices
Shock: talented pianist and performer has tits
Paparazzi intrudes on family time
Woman conforms to media's narrow definition of beauty
Singer proud owner of stomach
Newspaper doesn't like woman drinking and smoking
Singer eats lunch
Woman dares to go outside in casual clothes
Nudes in brief: The Saturdays
Diana Watch 2014: still dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Friday, 13 June 2014
The news in brief 13th June 2014
The news in brief:
Whilst the world continues its descent into Hades, lets all stop to enjoy a the news in brief celebrity special:
Internet doesn’t like child's hair
Woman drives car
Newspaper indulges in a bit of cyberbullying
Woman wears dress
Woman proud owner of legs
Woman conforms to media's narrow definition of beauty
Nudes in brief: Jodie Marsh
Mismatched bikini is not news
Woman wears dress
Couple caught spending time together
Man goes to hair dressers - newspaper not impressed
Top a bit see-through
Model caught eating food
People dress appropriately for the weather
Wild speculation
Newspaper doesn't like woman's shoes
Paparazzi catches woman eating yogurt
pro tip: actress not the same person as character she portrays
Work place injury
Man does job he is paid for
Celebrity goes outside
Singer updates social media
Diana Watch 2014: still dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Thursday, 12 June 2014
The news in brief 12th June 2014
The news in brief:
Radical suggestion you shouldn't have to be tolerant of intolerance
Intolerant fuckjobs impose their intolerance on others
Religion's bodycount continues to mount
#BritishValues: delayed trains
Come back the Mankini, all is forgiven
World cup clashes surprise no-one
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Study states the obvious: North-East folk speak funny
Exclusive: Big Brother still a thing but no-one seems to care
Cancer slowly but surely getting it arse kicked
Woman gets abuse on the Internet for having an opinion
Humans demonstrate once again that they are despicable thundercunts
Ukraine situation still pretty hairy
Nigerian situation still pretty hairy
Syrian situation still pretty hairy
Honour killings still a thing
Meanwhile Britain up in arms about free newspaper supplement
Pro tip: absence of evidence not the same as evidence of absence
So yeah, passport office backlogged then?!
Nudes in brief: Robyn Althasan
Summer looks set to be warmest season this year
London Mayor remains both mentalist and legend
Second bomb scare a little too close to home for the news in brief's comfort
Diana Watch 2014: 'still' dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
The news in brief 11th June 2014:
The news in brief:
Statins will kill us all
Is one person who left it really late and one person *nearly* inconvenienced really a crisis?!
Bottled water will kill us all
Passport office does look pretty backlogged (unless those are boxes of cupcakes, or staplers or bric-a-brac for the local jumble sale)
Coffee now good for your teeth
Lovelocks set to destroy bridges the world over
#BritishValues: chip butties
Good news for people too lazy to type properly
Bacon will kill us all
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Jobs market a bit less shit
Summer 'likely to be hot'
Family ruins perfectly nice house (but is it really a top story?)
Religion’s bodycount continues to mount
Nudes in brief: Zoe Hardman
Woman doesn’t agree with your life choices
Ministry of Magic wades in on Scottish independence debate
Diana Watch 2014: in all likelihood, still dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
The news in brief 10th June 2014
The news in brief:
Tourists unaware of anything outside of London
#BritishValues: tea drinking
Gas cannister *not* a WWII bomb
Hippie peaceniks gonna get a soaking
Mad suggestion that we should move with the times
Bomb scare a little close to home for the news in brief's liking
Old man celebrates birthday
Skynet is born (luckily she's a 13 year-old boy and English isn't her first language)
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
#BritishValues: queuing
What kind of thundercunt steals from a little old lady?!
Attention seeking hyper-bitch still trying to offend everyone in the known universe
Pro tip: have you tried not speeding?!
Man likes bees a bit too much
#BritishValues: hating the government whilst simultaneously wanting them to run our essential utilities
Study states the obvious: acting like a cunt gets you attention
Cracks start to show in newspaper's love affair with supermarket
Religion’s bodycount continues to mount
Octopuses are actually pretty smart
Supermarket a touch heavy-handed
#BritishValues: complaining about the weather
Nudes in brief: James Argent (whoever that is?!)
Richard Branson-like sea monster appears
#BritishValues: chicken parmo
Science is pretty fucking awesome: orgasm nasal gel
Diana Watch 2014: still dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Monday, 9 June 2014
The news in brief 9th June 2014:
The news in brief:
More human beings murdered in the name of invisible sky wizard
Religion’s bodycount continues to mount
Concepts understood by 8 year-olds apparently hard to grasp by gun-toting adults
Breaking news: media still has nothing to report
Newsflash: life in rogue-state's prison camp 'proper shit'
Study states the obvious: ancient men beat seven tonnes of shit out of each other
It's not really 'competition' if one side has to jump through half a billion extra hoops first
Health and fucking safety
BBC manages to report on nothing for an hour and a half
Wild speculation continues
Turns out guns really do kill people
Actor heckles audience
Economy a bit less shit
Mad suggestion that postmen should deliver things
Homeless charity suggests people should climb down from their ivory towers and think before screaming and shouting on the Internet
Human being dangerously stupid
Group of homophobic thundercunts need to be found and imprisoned for a very long time
Actor to star in film
Man's inhumanity to man continues apace
Elevator ride FROM HELL!
Arsehole teacher forgets how to person
Nudes in brief: Ferne McCann
Outrageous revelation: padlocks have mass
Diana Watch 2014: 'still dead'
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Sunday, 8 June 2014
The news in brief 8th June 2014
The news in brief celebrity special:
Woman engages in legal activity in her own time
Two consenting adults cuddle
Woman wears dress
Family celebrates a birthday
Woman wears bikini
Pet owner pets pet
Female sport star actually celebrated for her achievement (we're as surprised as you are)
Paparazzi catches two adults kissing
Man leaves venue at the end of the night
Woman eats lunch (how dare she?!)
Celebrity has audacity to wear comfortable shoes
Woman has legs
Man not an arsehole
Woman conforms to media's narrow definition of beauty
Newsflash: single straight man appreciates women
Gigantic dickhead surprises no-one
Outrage: woman's shirt slightly see-through
Nudes in brief: Grace Andrews
Shock: pregnant woman's body has changed shape
Model models
Diana Watch 2014: still dead
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Saturday, 7 June 2014
The news in brief 7th June 2014
The news in brief:
Ghostbusters is 30 years old today and it's like the best film ever. You don't need bile, sarcasm and swearing. You need to go watch Ghostbusters. That is all.
Knowing who ya' gonna call so you don't have to...
Friday, 6 June 2014
Thursday, 5 June 2014
The news in brief 5th June 2014
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
The news in brief 4th June 2014:
Reading the news so you don’t have to...
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
The news in brief 3rd June 2014
Monday, 2 June 2014
The news in brief 2nd June 2014:
Dairy products give you cancer
People like Star Wars
Dyson's design a bit like Google Glass (but rubbish at vacuuming)
Dairy products probably not linked to autism
Study states the obvious: children who eat vegetables eat vegetables
Eco-nutjobs at it again
Exclusive: football stadium kinda looks like a vagina
Religion chalks up another kill
Medieval justice system apologises for the confusion but they will be killing new mum
Man’s inhumanity to man continues apace
Old man retires
Unverifiable allegations not being investigated by police
Bad parenting is bad
The Internet is going to kill us all (in a fortnight)
Religion’s bodycount continues to mount
Don’t go to university – live at home until you can buy a house then get knocked up instead
77 year-old man tells it like it is
Straight people continue to ruin the sanctity of marriage
Sketch artists possibly a bit biased
Man fails at yacht
Pot calls kettle black
Marvel wishes it had thought of Goat Rider first
Nudes in brief: a literal boat load of potential Miss Englands
Remember: freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Unless you’re a woman and other women don’t agree
Diana Watch 2014: Probably not psychic. Still dead.
Reading the news so you don’t have to…