
Friday, 13 February 2015

The news in brief 13th February 2015

The news in brief:

Pro tip: do not jam your penis in the toaster

Man’s inhumanity to man continues apace

Fire brigade prepared for fifty shades of stupid

Article states the obvious: actors are only pretending

Eastenders isn’t actually news

Invasion of the killer clouds!

Study states the obvious: back your important shit up


Religion’s bodycount continues to mount

Rich people’s lives just got a tiny bit easier

Person's private life is not news
And in a break from the usual quasi-political swearing, here’s a very passionate rant from a writer friend who’s blog ‘Project Shandy,’ can be found here: http://project shandy

50 Shades Of Fucking Abuse and Why I Won't Quit Talking About It

As someone who has walked away from an abusive relationship in the past, I can say that the process can be made even more difficult when what you are experiencing in your relationship is portrayed and considered by other people to be desirable and attractive.

But he's gorgeous.

But he loves you.

But he wants you.

But he cares about you. 

But he's wealthy and you will want for nothing financially.

It's really fucking difficult to walk way when everyone around you tells you that what you are enduring is not a problem and that it's no big deal and it's not an issue. In short it's something you should put up with and feel grateful for because people want it, even though they have no idea what they're asking for.

I really fucking hate this book, 50 Shades Of Grey. I really fucking hate the film. Because what they are is not what they are being marketed as.

They are being marketed as a romance.

This is not a fucking romance.

When a man takes control of a woman's life to the extent that he is controlling her appearance, her friendship circles, he job and finances - that's not love. When a man forces a woman to conform to his choice of sexual interactions with no care or consideration for her physical or emotional well being or her wishes/choices in the bedroom - that's not love. And I'm specifically talking about Male Domestic Abuse because that's what the book's about. It would not be any more acceptable in reverse either, although it would be rarer.

It's not love.

It's not romance.

It's not sexy.

It's not titillation.

It's not OK.

It's not acceptable.

It's not excusable.

This book, and the film, and the hype around it, portrays abuse as something desirable, attractive and exotic - and therefore acceptable. It portrays Christian's behaviour as understandable because of his own experience of abuse, and acceptable because he is rich and pretty.


My husband is an abuse survivor and he is one of the most respectful, gentle and considerate people I have ever met. Abuse does not beget abuse as a natural consequence, and even if it did THAT WOULD NOT MAKE IT ACCEPTABLE.

I don't care how many millions of copies of the book have been sold, it is still not ok for abuse to be marketed and packaged as a sexy titillation.

And I don't feel it is insulting to point that out to ANYONE when the international marketing of this product is slamming the opposite into everyone's faces.

Here's some facts from the real world about domestic abuse. You know, they world where this film is being shoved in our faces as a 'nice treat for Valentines Weekend'

One incident of domestic violence is reported to the police every minute. That's just the ones that are reported.

On average, 2 women a week are killed by a current or former male partner.

One in four women will be a victim of domestic violence in their lifetimes.

As will one in six men.

That's reality. That's what we're up against as a society.

I don't care if you go see it. I don't care if you buy it. I don't give a shit - it's your money, spend it if you want. But know what this book/film is - it's a portrayal of an unhealthy and abusive relationship. Not a sexy titillating romance or a portrayal of something that should be aspired toward/desired.
And just in case you were about to doubt me - here's another reviewer who wrote pretty much the same things as I just said after intending to review this film as a 'joke'


If you are tired of the negativity surrounding this film, close your ears to it and walk away. But please don't tell people like me to shut up when we're committed to a message which is already being drowned out in white noise.

Making you read stuff every once in a while…

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