The news in brief
celebrity special:
Breaking news: man spends time with his son
Paparazzi intrudes on family day out
Newspaper publishes candid photos of someone else’s kids
Stop the press: man has a few drinks at party
Woman caught not wearing make-up
Woman wears dress
Friends go out together
Woman conforms to media’s narrow definition of beauty
Woman updates social media
Married couple go on holiday together
Woman has legs!
The news in brief doesn’t give a shit about Big Brother
The news in brief doesn’t give a shit about the X Factor
Pro tip: dressing up as a Nazi is pretty uncool
Read all about it: family goes for a walk
Woman wears clothes appropriate for climate
Woman caught wearing comfortable clothes
Man has lunch
Man carries his child’s teddy bear… how is this news?
Cleavage is NOT news
Woman wears hat
Nudes in brief: Chloe Goodman
And finally: we’ve always though that the paparazzi taking
random photos of famous people was pretty odd. We’ve always thought take taking
photos of famous people’s kids was even odder. But taking a photograph of a
celebrity and his mate’s kid… that pretty fucking upside down.
Reading the ‘news’ so
you don’t have to…
Tomorrow’s a bank holiday and that means you’re reading your
own goddamned news. See you Tuesday!